How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sleep with one eye open...

(originaly written June 23 1:17 AM)

I went to gamstop today to buy FFX (Final Fantasy 10) and i couldn't because they were trying to sell me a used one for $20 and the greatist hits version is also $20. Trying to trick me... good thing my mommy was there...

anyway, i looked at the guide book(which i will buy like i brought the "gently used" KH one later that day) and the person on the cover looked familiar in a strange way...


I taped up the side of the guide book and looked at the walkthroughs for the diffrent worlds.

I looked at "Destiny Islands" (the first time Sora is there) and i noticed... someone looked vaguly familiar...

Oh crap that dude and this dude is the same dude.... as in, the guy on the FFX Guidebook cover is the same guy on Destiny Islands with the stick thingie...~Tidus~

Now, I do admit that i do have these moments in life where i am absent-minded, and this is a prime example. I read Jimmy's Journal frequently and i read on all of my favorite characters from FF ~Expecialy Aerith, doesnt everyone love her...Kinda like Toru Honda from Furuba except she doesnt have cats and dogs and mice coming from people she hugs....~ but i truly hate...squall!

Yeah! And what! I called him Squall! What he gonna do; come out the game?...

(looks behind back)

(looks at PS2)

...Or the computer, from my KH Pics?

(looks in folder of KH Pics)


False alarm...I accidently pulled the cord of my desk light...

If no one sees me later...Squall Did it!

Goodnight....or is it morning @_@

Part 7b...What a new world!

(orignially written with PART 7 but seperated to make it easyer to read)


Why is Donald so mean? Sora only wants to look for his friends! Arent you looking for King Mickey?

SORA! WTF is wrong with you! He said "ok!"

You are a real stupid human you know that (yells at TV)

LOOK! A kitty!

Damn! Vicious Kitty! Dont attack sora! NOOOO!

Dodge Roll,Dodge Roll! Hit, Hit! Oh! Kitty has sharp o' claws!

Yay! You are special Sora! A complete stranger helping you... in a loincloth...


(some time later)

Wow... i am in a giant tree house , on the giant net...

What would happen if Sora jumps off the net???
OK... Sora is ok... now what happens if he jumps in the tree branch???

whoops, tree branch! oooh that hurt...

wow... what a messy camp. Oh well, i am not the maid (thank god) so i have no say in this.

look at how small the inside of the tent is. (from the outside, it looks very big)

Look it is Goofy and Donald!

oh wow, Donald and Sora. owww. I never thought that sora could be so much me. Damn. "You can come along, for now!"-- I can totally see sora snaping his fingers all black like...LOL
***Only reason Donald wants to stay in the makeship place is because he and goofy found a special gummi piece***

lalala! No Heartless!...Kinda seems lonley though...

Look for slides.....(yawn)
Hi again Kitty! How many times must i see you? (starting to erk my nerves)
Why is it so hard T_T its just like jumping...but with a swinging motion...

(spends 30 mins trying to get to 1 tree)
BOO-YAH! Got it...Crap theres more! >_<
(sarcasticaly) Yay! More vines. Instead of naming it "Vines 2" They shoud have named it "more vines"!

(very long time and many cutscenes later)
I fought those anoying Powerwilds (freaky heartless that look like monkies) and Bouncywild (which are more anoying...bananas filled with money when triped on, sling shot...)

Great, now i gotta fight Kitty again...
Oh snap... was that a gun???

Damn Clayton already got yelled at by Donald for randomly trying to kill one... what more does a crazy talking duck has to do to stop you!

"Yeah, no crazy quack-quack duck is gonna stop this!" I picture Sora saying [this actually fits perfectly because the 2 are already mad at each other] "this is a job for the KEYBLADE"

Goofy waving a white flag in the air "Yay!" ....( i can make a fanfic outa this... NOOOOOO!)

Wow... gun toating man..or...stupid heartless! Feel the rath of the Keyblade...unfortuntly...

... Why is Sora impervious to bullets. Oh wells, works out for me...
wow! it's a giant cameleon!

why u have to kill the camelon sora?

OH crap! MONKEY ALMOST KILLED US! you dont throw people, ducks and....WTFs on a clift like that. Bad monkey (tries to spray monkey with spray bottle of water...notices that it can kill sora so i resist my temtation)

great. me cant find keyhole... i know it is on the top of this stupid cave...

(gets stuck at one part for 1&1/2 hour)

Damn it all....

I sealed it... I did, i did...

What a gay key chain...

Part 7 of I AM WIDE AWAKE NOW!!! >_<

(originaly written june 15...later in the day around 1PM)

Wowo! I actually got a good night sleep last night.

Now i know, when i play Kingdom Hearts (for some strange reason) I get a really good night's rest.

(starts leveling up again..still on level 30 though)

HA! HIYA! KABOOM! I remember now!

(levels up some time later)

Official Levels
Goofy--LV. 35
Sora--LV. 32( i leveled up kinda quickly....)
Donald--LV. 30

It's a shame that it took me over 30HRS to get to this point...T_T

Nee Nee, I just noticed somthing...Goofy usually levels up before me (its been like that sence i met up with Goofy and Donald). but i leveled up before him... then its Donald, but we leveled up before him. I noticed this because i leveled up to 31 and donald leveled up to 29, goofy didnt level up untill i hit 32 and donald hit 30...

I am so sharp! or is it because i am so obsessed?

[Mommy, why are you watching me? ... What do you mean 'because i feel like it'? Now i know how big bro feels like, i used to watch him play games attentively]

YEAH! WOOHOO! I BEAT DOGGIE! I went all... button mashie on him then when it got close to the end, i shot from a distance (with fire and blizzard)!

Shoot from a distance!

Now... here is level~

Where the F**K is my "level up" Damnit! >~<

Oh well... I am a hero now...

"JR Hero?" WTF! Donald i agree with you "I want a RECOUNT"

Hurculies you Bitch! What do you mean you tired Doggie down? I had to go through 2 HP bars!

Oh Cloud you pretty boy! All Sora wants is a nice and fair rematch. You could have said no with out puttimg your hands all up in your hair! BLONDE!


Part 6 of ... HAHAHA

(Originaly written June 15)

I havent played sience the 30th of May at 11 PM ( i checked my memory card)

Anyways...Oh snap. I'm on level 30? ^_^ it's alright with me!

But I dont wanna fight doggie untill level 35.

NOOOO! I forgot where all the heartless pop up at...T_T

Me too tired..-o-"(yawn). OK! Level 31...almost...there

(falls asleep for like 5 minutes)

O_o what the hells!... (saves and turns off game)

Rant about Kingdom Hearts(1 and 2) theam songs : Simple and Clean VS Hikari; Santuary VS Passion

(originaly written June 13)

Hikari is a Good song but I Like Simple and Clean better, it goes with the music more. Also, Simple and Clean seems more deep to me, compared to the japanese lyrics. If you want to read the translation (of Hikari) go to and scrol down to "DEEP RIVER" and look for track 12 (which is the last one for that album) If you want to read the lyrics to SIMPLE AND CLEAN... the whole song and not just the PLANITb Mix (which is soo cool and better than the santuary PLANITb mix) go to

WINNER (in my mind): SIMPLE AND CLEAN ~even though it has a sublimital message!~
(clapps for hikki)

Passion is a really good song i think it is better than its english counterpart santuary. Santuary creaps me out

"i watch you fast asleep..."
Thats a WTF!

I only like "My heart's a battle ground" and in the chorus "...where fears and lies melt away..."

But i shouldnt be talking, i am a fellow songwriter...but read the translation of Passion( and find the lyrics of Santuary and compare

WINNER (in my mind): PASSION
GO HIKKI! (claps)

May you have much sucess on ULTRA BLUE (although you cant read this...hehehe)

Random Name Analysis...Sora

(originally written June 7)

I noticed somthing last night, Sora's name isnt written in Kanji like i thought.

I was watching some Kingdom Hearts Fan AMV (which most i wanted to cut my computer in half.) and one had footage of the japanese version. If you havent played, when there are cutscenes (or FMA~Full motion Animation~) kingdom hearts has the close-caption of the conversation. So the japanese version showed a part when Kairi said Sora's name and his name was written in KATAKANA and not KANJI

You may see this weird or you dont care about what i am rambling about.I am a student of Japanese and if you really know me, i blert out phrases in japanese (and chinese in that manner too) [dont blame anything but the Anime Inuyasha and the former japanese band T_T Do as Infinity].

I was like: ...(read as, Dot, Dot, Dot out loud~AND I DO DO THAT NOW~) B-but i thought...(cries)

Also, the Kanji SORA means sky in Japanese.

"So Sora's name doesnt mean 'sky'?"

I wonder....

~Deeper explanaion of sora vs. sora~ (originally written June 8)

I looked in my 250 essential Kanji book and studied the common kanji for sora.

Japanese pronounciation: sora, kara, aku
Chinese pronounciation: kuu
Meanings: Sky; empty, vacant.

Sora -> Sky
Karate-> karate. Meaning "empty hand" AKA no wepon.
Karoke-> Karoke (empty orchestra)

See, it changes depending on what the word is. Most Kanji does that, it is the downfall of learning japanese, at least Chinese only has one "pronounciation" with some exceptions, believe me, i am taking chinese in school -_-". (its not bad though)

Sora in Katakana could be used to emphsise the kanji sora.

Its kinda like a tootsie pop "...the world will never know"


In japanese they use 3 writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.

Hiragana and Katakana were derived from Kanji.
Kanji is the characters borrowed from the chinese writting system. it should also be noted that most of the kanji and the hanzi have most of the same meanings.

Hiragana is the most used writing system.However it is used with Kanji { and Katakana} in sentces.

Katakana is used for Loanwords.

Part 5 of Infinity! MUHAHAHAHAHA

(originally written June 4)

Today I had an online conversation with my good friend.

[ask if you can post it]

I wanted to beat up doggie, but I havent played for a week. I'm still mad Doggie kicked my ass.


You know, I really did have a nightmare about the voices.

Another one of my good friends told me that she had a dream about the gummi ship... she said that Sora ate the gummi ship and the whole crew flew out into space and died. I actually can picture that too...It's so sad, but Sora is a "stupid 'human' "then again, he is learning. ^_^