How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Part 4 (of how many i make MUHAHA)

(originaly written May 31)



I was looking on and their article on Kindom Hearts...

yay! Voice acters!...who does sora's voice?

Who the hell is Haley Joel Osment? Is that a woman?

-_-"I SEE DEAD PEOPLE..." i have the line "i cant, its too heavy" is stuck in my head

be calm, Be Calm, BE CALM DAMNIT!!!

Lets see.. Riku's voice...David Gallagher... this name sounds familiar...

Wait...they look alike...O_o The hair!!

What kind of name is "Hayden Panettiere"? Anyway i dont know who she is (it says that she is an American actress... but i dont think i have ever seen her.) Oh well, i think she is very pretty....

But nothing good ever lasts, at least for me... For example....

Mandy Moore...Aerith....
Sugar Honey Iced Tea....

My god, WTF is up with American voice acting. As bad as the Japanese may sound in english, you shouldnt let these.... distroy the name of voice acting! the "Engwish" would sound perfectly fine...

I never watched Buffy or Angel and I dont like "Leon" (The bastard shot me and made me jump out of a 2nd floor window.) so i dont care that David Borenaz does Squall's voice.

(WTF is that?)

(Me cant find good pic of Yuffie)

Christy Carlson Reomano as...Yuffie....

>_< Christy, Back away from the Microphone! Keep away from Yuffie!

@~@ Voices and god... "I can't its too heavy!"..Sublimital Messages...

Goodnight (Falls off of chair)