How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Friday, November 10, 2006

Part 12 Pumpkin Bombs, and houses that fight back....THEY FIGHT BACK!? I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!

Its really a shame (again!) that i havent been playing Kingdom hearts. I do have time to spare sometimes, but instead, i play DDR ~Extreme 2, getting SuperNOVA for christmas....I KNOW WHERE IT IS MOMMY TT__TT~

So. After about 1 month of fnishing alantica, I decided to start on Holloween Town...and 3 weeks after that, i have finished it!



Sora: Well, we got off the gummi ship. And we tried to attack the defencless heartless--
Me:Phhht. You act like they did nothing wrong and I was the evil one and told you to KILL THEM ALLLLLLL~!
Sora:...Well its not their faults--
Me: (suddenly attacks sora)
Goofy:[from a distance] Ahyuck! Look at 'em go!
Donald: [Also from a distance] (mumbles) i dont think thats a good thing.

*A while later*

Ah, i feel a bit better. Yeah, they got off the gummy ship and then we ran into like unnaturally tall Jack Skeltion....or however you spell his last name. Anyway, he started rambling about how they were gonna use heartless for holloween...That sounds stupider than this blog, ne?

So, blah. Puzzles which wasnt that puzzling, Sora gained a level, but who cares?

Sora: Hey!

Anyway. That leads me to all that i accomplished today. I finally followed those little anoying kids in masks. Shock, Barrel and....what ever. Yeah.

Lets just say that they all got what they derserved....and it wasnt pie or a nickle.

Sora and Donald and Jack all went into the greeen door that Oggie Boogie hid in.

After nearly being killed by exploding dice, and several cutting machines, they all finally beat up Oggie Boogie, who looked like he ... (crapped himself when) Sora and crew beat him up...we all thought it was over.

Donald: (barely understandable.)I knew that he was still alive! I just didnt tell you all! Didnt i tell you i'm a great magicion!
Me: No fool, thats a Physic...

First, i noticed that the house (which didnt really attack untill Sora go to the tippy top to get the last purple orb of darkness thingie) didnt move. Just sat there. The laterns were kinda a problem, but the crew did get a lot of exp points from the heartless and laterns and the house.

And to think, this all started when Oggie Boogie wanted a heart to rule the heartless...but what i dont understand is what Heartless needs with a ruler with a heart? Thats sounds stupid. Plus, he got all pissed off when he only got 2 heartless instead of an army.

Amazing.There are people like that in games too, i see....



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