How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Monday, June 26, 2006

Diffrent, cooler names for simple and household things....

(flips through Guidebook)

ah-ha! I noticed somthing vaugly strange...

I always fought Selphie, Wakka and Tidus on Destiny Islands and i actually gained a level!( never fought Riku though, i tried when i had no Memory Stick and cried because he hauled ass.)

In this guidebook of mine, they explain alot of things, like stratgies to beat bosses and other random battles...

under Selphie, her weapon is called a "Nunchaku"... (nunchuck?)

Under Tidus, his weapon is called a "sword"...

Last time i checked, it was called a Jump Rope and a staff if not a stick! WTF

U can not call a soft plushie a brick!
U can not call a ball a pit bull a child's angel!

U just don't!

Selphie, her weapon is called a "Jump rope"...which most girls do have!

Tidus, his weapon is called a "Stick"...Which boys do play with....uh... Which boys... there is no way around it.



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