How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Guys with long that what i like?

This is more than a random entry and today is the first day that the whole entry isnt about kingdom hearts, but a collection of anime and manga and video games and movies....

Remember i said "...riku has pretty eyes..." i have noticed things about the guys i find very "pretty" or darn sexy *_*

They all have longer hair than i do...

Yeah, its pretty much true...every guy (wether in fantasy or reality) has longer hair than i do. My hair reaches about the middle of my neck. Every guy must have that (but there was an exception in an anime)

The guys i like in Fantasy:
Sesshomaru (from inuyasha), his hair reaches his lower back
Edward Elric (full metal alchemist) his hair reaches a bit beyond his shoulders
Kyo Sohma, Momiji Sohma, and Hatsuharu Sohma (fruits basket). Momiji has messy hair (so cute), Hatsuharu has his hair cut short (shorter than me) with a buzcut, and Kyo has hair a bit longer than mine.

The guys i like in reality
Ace Young (season 5 American idol) messy hair that reaches his neck...
*************(from my school) not telling the langth or color... but he may or may not be an exception

ah... what will happen if my hair gets longer?

also, my pefered colors are Silver/grey/white (sesshomaru and riku)
orange or somthing like it (kyo)
or brownish (ace, others i have crushed on.)

why i like Ed's hair or Momiji's hair is beyond me, i really dont like blonds. ( thats why a vilian in one of my stories has blond hair)

The types of hair i like is messy (ace, momiji) or extremly strait (sesshomaru and edward when he has his hair out of his braid...)

but why am i writing this? Because for some reson, i posses some kind of human sickness.)

"T.T.F.N, ta ta for now!" --Tigger

why did i just use that quote?


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