How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Saturday, June 24, 2006

RE: Sleep with one eye open...

I have been looking over my shoulder many times sence the other night...

But i usually look over my shoulder with my crazy self....

And for some reason i can't call Leon "leon" when i am talking about him. its like this, i can type leon just fine see:

leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon, leon, leon, leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon,leon

But during a spoken conversation, i cant say "leon" i say "Squall"....Some one in the game does that too, calling him "squall" insted of the perfered name "Leon, and i forgot who...

I dont get it though, i understand (in this game) he changed his name to "leon" because as "squall" he couldnt save anyone from his world when the heartless invaded.

(to Squall) My dude, just because you have a cooler name...that doesnt erase the past or really changes you inside, you will always be "squall, the boy who screwed up!"....

and also, if you want to be a true hero, so you can stop denying your past, actually go with Sora and help insted of sitting there with a grin on your face because you shot sora (3 times and actually killed him) and made me, uh sora, jump out a second story window! >_<

if he was a real person, i wouldnt rant like this to've seen the pover of the gunblade right... i sure did.

also, in reality, you should watch people like that...if they'll get on you over a name, they might just kill you over a sigh or somthing


(looks over shoulders)



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