How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sleep with one eye open...

(originaly written June 23 1:17 AM)

I went to gamstop today to buy FFX (Final Fantasy 10) and i couldn't because they were trying to sell me a used one for $20 and the greatist hits version is also $20. Trying to trick me... good thing my mommy was there...

anyway, i looked at the guide book(which i will buy like i brought the "gently used" KH one later that day) and the person on the cover looked familiar in a strange way...


I taped up the side of the guide book and looked at the walkthroughs for the diffrent worlds.

I looked at "Destiny Islands" (the first time Sora is there) and i noticed... someone looked vaguly familiar...

Oh crap that dude and this dude is the same dude.... as in, the guy on the FFX Guidebook cover is the same guy on Destiny Islands with the stick thingie...~Tidus~

Now, I do admit that i do have these moments in life where i am absent-minded, and this is a prime example. I read Jimmy's Journal frequently and i read on all of my favorite characters from FF ~Expecialy Aerith, doesnt everyone love her...Kinda like Toru Honda from Furuba except she doesnt have cats and dogs and mice coming from people she hugs....~ but i truly hate...squall!

Yeah! And what! I called him Squall! What he gonna do; come out the game?...

(looks behind back)

(looks at PS2)

...Or the computer, from my KH Pics?

(looks in folder of KH Pics)


False alarm...I accidently pulled the cord of my desk light...

If no one sees me later...Squall Did it!

Goodnight....or is it morning @_@


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