Part 8b...Traverse Town: a book and a stupid buddy, all in one day!
(originally written with part 8 but seperated to make easyer to read)
now i have to get to merlin's place....where is it... they say its right outside the third district...but there is only 3 districts... that door with the flame must be for later because it is in the 3rd district...
(goes to gamefaqs again. Looked through several GUIDES and no one said where the door was or what to do... finaly, i find one...)
it is the door with the flame? and what to do with it....(goes through another GUIDE) Do fire... that makes sence...
You know, maybe i should save my game and cut it off when i do things like this... probally why i have spent over 30+ hrs getting to this point. (on level 35)
look stones... that move....DAMNIT! i cant get on....(after 5 mins) alright, how to get in... that is really tacky, a big opening in the middle of the wall...
Sora, why are you having such vivid halutionations like that. Kairi isnt there, stop eating the gummi ship and you wouldnt have a problem!Or is it the mushrooms you gathered earlier in the game.. i told u people not to pick those up....
ok....(interesting cutscene) yeah, take your raggity book...go see Cid...where? oh the third district... in the Vacent house? its occupied now....
RIKU!!! Oh snap! sora, streach his face out like that....
"I've been havin' halutionations all day!" sora said in my mind
Yeah i hear you buddy....
conversation..blah, riku is ranting...NOOO! Ok sora got the heartless behind riku....riku has pretty eyes...(smacks myself)... great, sora is ranting now.....
WAIT A SEC! Why does Riku have the keyblade? And Donald isnt saying anything...ok, he is too buzy complaning to sora that they cant let riku join the party because they are also looking for king mickey... Riku is gone
at least sora has the keyblade.... and they are both stupid thinking that Kairi was with the other one... its never that easy.....
long conversation in "small house"... Why is riku with Maleficent... you nieve person...
If sora was your friend sence you guys were young, you should never worry about things like that
Personaly i have a friend and we were friends secnce i was 7 and she treats me like crap sometimes, but we have that bond of friendship. And remember "True friends do argue from time to time..." but they are still friends...
Cid, you have a diffrent job....but who is gonna work in the Acessory shop?...
I'll see u people later...
Now to see what this book is all about?
(examane book)
POOH! Yay!
Pooh: "How do you say good-bye to pooh"
awww, pooh's friends disapeared so he figures that he is going away too....T_T yeah this is the 100 Acre Wood...Winnie the Pooh is just as pooh-ish as usuall...
so when i get some more pages, i will help pooh not say goodbye to pooh... wow
i think the onllly reason i never saved this, is because angelique this thing makes you seem so humanish..these are the things id find on google, open them up, curse them out for having such a stupid creator, close them, call up ashy and be like "GOD I HATE THEM!!!" but i give you an exception i read your stupid entries, wonder wth your talkign about with all those fragments, and go on with my lifew knowing i have a crazy pack
but thats just me
-:-D packy leader!!
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