How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Friday, December 01, 2006

Part 14 A Stupid Platforms, Nieve friends and...

Once again, I was put into a thought provoking question, "Should I go to Hallow Bastion?"

Sora: Yeeeeah! Lets go! 51 is a great level to go there *smiles*
Me:... Why should make you happy?
Sora: I donno.
Me: ..But I do wanna go there....ya know, Riku is there.
Sora: O_o Really? *dances* yay!
Me: And Kairi...
Sora:....Oh okay....RIKU IS THERE! *dances somemore*

...To Hallow Bastion it is then.

(Takes a break)

Me: Hey Corey~my older brother~ If ya want, you can watch me. After all those years I have watched you....*shudders at the thought*
Corey:Well, my feet hurt, so I wanna sit....Wait, you have a bed ^_^....

Uh.... -_-"

(Back to game)

The music traveling to Hallow Bastion is creepy, BUT COOL!

(Almost died because of the Heartless ships, Heartless ship bullets, metors, and....)

Sooo, finaly at Hallow Bastion...

Sora: *runs around in a circle* Yay! Whooo Hoooo! *shows off Keyblade* Thanks for choosing me! *skips around* Where's Riiiiiiiikuuuu?

Some platform hopping and item collecting later...


Riku: How did you get here? You didnt come in a ship!
Beast:I...I Believed...
Riku: WHAT? That sounds so gay!
Beast: ...Like you? *laughs*
Riku: I....I am so not gay! Why does everyone keep saying that? You Bastards! *Beats up the beast* MUHAHAHAHAHAH

(10 Minutes later)

Sora: Stop Riku! Stop it Riku! TT__TT
Riku: Wow. You were standing there FOR THE ENTIRE TIME!
Sora: Well....Uh.... I didnt want to interupt you...
Riku: .....Sora, I know this is random, but do you think I'm gay?
*Tummble weed *
Me: Uh, I think you asked the wroong person.
Riku:.....FINE! But I have been looking for you Soora *Evil smile*
Sora: ya have?
Riku: Yes! *Takes Keyblade*
Sora+Me(+Corey+Amya): OMG! HE TOOK IT!
Me: Wheres the Pumpkin-Head keychain! WHERES THE KEYCHAIN! WHY IS IT NORMAL? WHYYYYYY?
Riku: MUHAHAHA! This keyblade feels so coool!
Sora: But its mine! It chose meeeeeee!
Riku: Nuh-huh! you were the delivery boy!
Me: Ohh... that must hurt...
Riku: MUHAHAHAH *Runs away*

(while Sora is crying, Donald and Goofy try to run away!)
Sora: Where are ya.... Are you running away from me? ;_;
Donald: Yes. Yes we are. Goodbye *Runs off*
Goofy: The king did say to follow the keyblade... so *Runs off*
Sora: Noooooo!

In all truthfullnes, that was madd grimey...(cries) But Riku still has pretty eyes! (gets lost in thoughts)

HEY! BACK TO EARTH...(or mind)

(Like 5 mins later...)

Sora: NOOO! Dont move around! You'll hurt yourself !
Beast:... Are you like kidding me!? I started moving like 5 minutes ago!
Me: Yeah, hes like a little slug! HAHA! He cant even keep his friends! Or his lover!
Sora: Waaaa~!
Beast: (to Sora) Is she always this mean to you?
Sora: *cries and nodds*
Me: Oh, like you can stop me! MUHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
Sora+Beast: O____o

Blah, blah, blah. More item collecting
Blah, blah, blah. More FRIGGING platforms

AH! Its only 1 frigging platform. And its not eve moving! Its the little stairs leading to Hallow Bastion's Castle! (Falls off) DAMN IT!


O_o, are the waterfalls going up?
x_x Rising fals....ohh, thats why this place is called "riding falls"
*laughs nervously*

Ok. FINALY in the castle....
It seems empty...
"Dont go towards the heartless'"...thats what the book says....but i dont see any..... i thik i'll listen to the book though..

2 Crystals. yess...
Go down....yess
What are they?

me: Sora you frigging idiot, ATTACK!
Sora: uh.... *hits one with the wooden sword....gets like half the life beat out of him.*
Me:...oh, uh......RUN FOOL

......OMFG, i am a complete ditz... i forgot that [sexi] Ruku stole it.... Waa..

*looks in book* Ok...those are called... "Darkball"...

Ok so Sora got beat up by a bunch of Darkballs......
ROFL (couldnt help myself)

.....Finaly, the safty of a sewer....that isnt really hygenic..

Ok. Book says "freeze the bubble"

OH CRAP! SORA CAN STILL USE MAGIC?! O_o. Thats news to me...

*the bubble freazes*
Me: So now you gotta jump up there?
*bubble defrosts*
Sora: Whyy? Why did it melt?
Me: maybe the magic isnt strong enough...

*1/2 hour later*

DAMN BUBBLE... *freazes bubble....Sora jups up...and gets a frigging ITEM*


*cuts off game*



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