How Obsessed I am with Kingdom Hearts

This is a Random Blog by me, Angelique Williams, about how Obsessed with Kingdom Hearts i am. It is vaguly stupid and you may laugh with glee. MUHAHAHA

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Part 10...Inside a fishie!


Yay! Level 42! Now me go to Monstero....

(on the way to the 5 star battle world to the right of Agrabah)

No! I am getting shot by enemy ships, flying into rotating ringlets, running into giant rocks! This is all bull!

(ship armor is next to nothing) ~Nooo i will never get there!~

Wait...What is that...

Everyone is saying "Its huge!"...Then Goofy comes out of nowhere and says "Its a whale!" And i thought he wasnt too smart....everyone else is gawking.
Then Jiminy comes out of nowhere "Its monstero...hes a whale of a whale and vicious besides!"

What? The damn cricket is smarter than i am! Using big words!

*Flashback* Hey that place was distroyed! Oh wait...Awww Little kiddies! Wait...Sora and Riku....AWWWW! They have similar hair styles....

Sora is stupid. Who whishes for a monster? Maybe hes just bored, like i always am...

*they both are in the secret place looking at the handle-less door*

"A window,[can you see through it, baka?] or maybe a door [thats better Riku...i thought u were smarter than that!]? It wont open [it has no handle, baka]."

Riku is too mature for his age.."I dont wanna do this kid stuff" 'Becareful what you wish for u future deliquent...'

Wow. Let me guess what new girl is at the mayor's house..wait O_o They have a Mayor?

...Now they are inside of Monstero...NOOOO!
Goofy: "And for today's weather; expect showers."

*anime fall*
Owww, i hurt myself!Me fell off bed!

...was that who i thought it was...Riku...

Follow the stupid puppet boy!


Riku randomly pops out of nowhere."But i thought you liked playing games Sora?" That doesnt sound right in a way....Yes, he is so preoccupied with the Keyblade...Stupid Keyblade..

You know, i hate people like Riku. Goes away. Randomly comes back. Doesnt answer questions. but they are still cooler than everyone else.

Man i hate these chambers! Chamber 1 to chamber 3 to chamber... And i didnt know the inside of a whale was so...colorful...

Lets catch one and see!

Riku, you shouldnt tell Maleficent "mind your own busniess". She does have some control about certin things...Ha! I like you even more now. I like messing with people too, but not my friends... The strangers in the street are more interesting. ^_^

Riku,Sora didn't abandon you just because he has the keyblade and new friends... you are so screwed up in your head. Just like me. I see so many of my characteristics in Riku and Sora..

Now me fight...PARASITE CAGE!

Ok, i will follow what the guidebook says. "...remain on the platform and shoot Fira spells at its head."...

Yay! ROFL! Riku is running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Goofy and Donald is just looking at Sora...Staring into His soul!

Yes! Working with me! *Donald gives Sora an Ether!* (Continues Fira attacks)

BOO YAH! *Goofy gives Sora an Ether!* (Continues Fira attacks while Riku still runs around.) Why waste your energy Riku! Or should i say Riri(Re-re) IMAFO!

Wow...that ended fast....Damn Riku! He took Puppet boy...Ah, I see, And so does Sora....Kairi doesnt have her heart T_T although scientificily ..thats not possable...u need heart to stay alive!

Poor Kairi T_T!

Now i have High-Jump..Its like a roll in the air..Looks kinda arkward. But me still sad! :Junpie Jumpie:

Ooh! Blue..Mushroom thingies! *Hits one and it falls* NOO dont leave me! T_' Its ok though... *hits another one a few times and drops it.* T_T Yeah screw all of you...

How did i get sucked into a whale's stomach?

Riku!...Poor puppet boy...."Jiminy, i dont think i'm gonna make it..." Jiminy hops over. A random light comes out of nowhere. "Oh i guess i'm ok!"...( i wanna smack u right now puppet!>_<)

*Riku suggests that Sora joins him in the dark side...*
...I dont understand. Somehow Pinocchio's concience..which kinda makes sence, told Sora that what Riku was doing was wrong...How does someone elses concience tells you things. That was his own concience talking...

T_T Riku is doing bad things for good reasons...that suxs big time!

But the stance Sora took..It looked like he was just gonna claw into Riku...sounds painful!

Then randomy the damn PARASITE CAGE comes out of nowhere and Riku gets away...

Yeah! Ledge, then FIRA AWAY!...DAMN POSION BREATH! Its ok, i got Sora's back! So does Goofy and Donald! Ethers away!

Hehehe! It worked.

...Sora, dont look for that asshole Riku. He said that you didnt care for Kairi....But it does seem like that, you and your obsession with the keyblade.

Sora: "Hey!"
Me: *slaps Sora in the back of his head*

..Maleficent is good. She is like gassing his head up! * Takes out a notepad and takes notes*

Kairi is like "lifeless puppet"...T_T i feel so bad. And she is just laying on the couch..."lifeless"....

*FORGOT* Green Trinity and talking to Cid

It seems like I am always forgetting somthing nowadays, but eventualy, i remember!

I realized that I could use the Green Trinity after I completed [Which I did] Agrabah. Even with the guidebook and reading it over and over in FAQs by people on .

i still forgot.

I realized this when I went back to Wonderland to level up a bit. I ran into the chimney thingie trying to beat up a Red Nocturne (but they all run away just to gang up on everyone >_<) Well, when i finished, the bottom option thing said "Trinity" so i did it...

Trinity Ladder?...Well, its not so bad as Trinity looking Trinity. In this one, Goofy is at the bottom then Sora jumps on Goofy's shoulders (oww, doesnt that hurt?) then Donald jumps on Sora's how did he get up there?

Sora: "Thats not fair! I wanna be on top, i have the keyblade!"
Me: 'My sences tell me to smack you but insted, i give you string!'
Sora: Ooh! String! *Plays with String*

Sometimes shiney doesnt cut it.

On another note, i went back to Traverse Town to see how Cid was doing.

Standing in the corner...all "Cid" like (dare i say).........Talking to you all solitary and secretive makes it seems like you are a drug dealer Cid....

Sora: (from a distance) "Oh no! It broke!" *He runs over*...*Puppy-dog eyes* "Can i have a rope?"
Me: '.....You need to pull a Kakashi or somthing and steal Riku's eyes cause thats not gonna work, one. And two, you are not manly enough--even with the keyblade! I know it was supposed to be Riku's!'

*Sora sulks in the corner, doing the asian thing of finger circles*

Poor Sora....I can be such a Bitch...Hehe!